Senin, 01 Oktober 2012

The process of formation of petroleumPetroleum and natural gas thought to have come from the ocean microorganisms, plants and animals that died about 150 million years ago. The assumption is based on the similarity of the elements contained in these materials with elements found in living things. The remains of organisms that settle on the sea floor, then covered with mud which gradually hardens as a layer above the pressure that turned into rock. Meanwhile, anaerobic bacteria decompose the remains of organisms that an oil and gas trapped between the layers of the earth's crust. The process of the formation of oil and gas it takes a very long time. Even during our age is not enough to make oil and gas. So we have to make savings and trying to find alternative energy sources.The composition of petroleumOil drilling is still a result of crude oil (crude oil) is thick and black. Crude oil consists of a mixture of hydrocarbons that1. AlkanesAlkane compounds most commonly found is the n-octane and isooctane (2,2,4-trimethyl pentane)2. AromatisDiantaranya hydrocarbons is the ethyl benzene3. Among other cycloalkanes ethyl cyclopentane and cyclohexane4. Sulfur (0.01 to 0.7%)5. Nitrogen (0.01 to 0.9%)6. Oxygen (from 0.06 to 0.4%)7. Carbon dioxide [CO2]8. Hydrogen sulfide [H2S]Petroleum processingPetroleum is usually beradai 3-4 km below the surface. To take the oil we have to make boreholes that had been adjusted depth. Crude oil gained tangker accommodated in the ship or supplied to the refinery by using a pipe. Crude oil that had been obtained can not be used as a fuel or other purposes. Crude oil must be processed first. Crude oil contains about 500 types of hydrocarbons by the number of atoms C-1 to C-50. Petroleum processing through distillation storey, where crude oil is separated into groups with similar boiling points. This is done because the boiling point hydrocarbons increases with the carbon atoms (C) in the molecule.At first, Crude oil is heated at a temperature of about 400C. After heated later in the stream to the tower fractionation / distillation

Distillation towerDimenara is a process of distillation. Namely the separation solution using heat as a separator. The main requirement is that the distillation process is the difference in composition between the liquid phase and vapor phase. Thus, if the composition of the liquid phase and vapor alike face the distillation process is not possible. The process of distillation in petroleum refineries is the primary processing of physics as the beginning of the process of producing the fuel (fuel oil).

 Refining scheme
Crude oil is the result of drilling in the stream to the ship tangker and then distributed to the refinery. This is where the process of distillation which has been in jalaskan above. First, Crude heated to a temperature of about 400 degrees C. Components of a higher boiling point will remain a liquid and will flow down to the bottom, while the boiling point will evaporate more randah rise up through the containment lid-lid-called bubble. Getting up the temperature in the fractionation tower was getting low. Thus, each time the component with a higher boiling point rise, it will condense and separate, while the components with a lower boiling point will continue to rise into the upper part again. So it went on, so the above components in the form of gas. Components in the form of gas is called petroleum gas. Then the liquefied petroleum gas and dikelan as LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas).The results of refined petroleum
Of the scheme on the previous page we can see the results from the distillation of crude oil. Diatnaranya namely:• LPGLiquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) with Pertamina ELPIJI brand, is the result of gas production from refineries (refinery fuel) and gas refinery, which is the main component of propane (C3H8) and butane (C4H10) approximately 99% and the rest is gas pentane ( C5H12) were thawed• aviation fuelOne aviation fuel aviation fuel which is used as fuel persawat fly.• GasolineGasoline is a fuel transport still plays an important role to date. Gasoline containing more than 500 types of hydrocarbons having chain C5-C10. Levels vary depending on the composition of the crude oil and desired quality.• Kerosene (kerosine)Hydrocarbon fuels obtained as petroleum distillates with a higher boiling point than gasoline; kerosene; patra oil.• SolarDiesel, in Indonesia, better known as solar, is an end product which is used as a fuel in a diesel engine invented by Rudolf Diesel, and perfected by Charles F. Kettering.• LubricantsLubricants are chemical substances, which are generally fluid, which was given between two moving objects to reduce friction. Lubricant serves as a protective layer that separates the two surfaces touch• CandlesCandle is a light source consisting of a wick covered by solid fuel. The fuel used is paraffin• Petroleum fuelsFuel oil is distilled from petroleum refining but has not yet formed the final residue of the refining process itself. Usually the color of oil is black chrome. Besides oil more dense than diesel oil• AsphaltAsphalt is the material that is attached to the hydro carbon (adhesive), brownish-black, water resistant, and visoelastis. Asphalt is often called bitumen binder in asphalt mixture
The negative impact of the use of petroleum1. Air PollutionDecline in air quality due to the waste from the use of petroleum2. Climate changeThe use of petroleum will produce the waste in the form of CO2 ¬. Gas can cause the greenhouse effect in the earth so that there are now global warming is happening. Global warming is exactly what caused climate change in various world balahan3. Water pollutionExploitation of oil earth using tangker ship, did not rule out the existence of a leak in the ship tangker. Because the ship was leaking tangker, the crude oil is inside will come out and fall keair causing water pollution.

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