Sabtu, 06 Oktober 2012

 Aromatic Hydrocarbon

An aromatic hydrocarbon or arena (sometimes also called aryl hydrocarbon) is a hydrocarbon with a single bond or a double bond, and between carbon atoms. Configuration 6 carbon atoms in an aromatic compound called benzene rings. Aromatic hydrocarbons can be monocyclic or polycyclic.

Some aromatic compounds that are not called heteroarena benzene derivatives, these compounds follow Hückel Rule. In these compounds, at least one carbon atom is replaced by another atom, such as oxygen, nitrogen, or sulfur. One example is the compound furan, a heterocyclic ring compound having 5 members, one oxygen atom. Another example is pyridine, a heterocyclic ring compound with 6 members, one nitrogen atom.
Hückel rule determines a planar ring molecules have aromatic properties. This rule was proposed by the German chemist Erich Hückel in 1931.

A planar ring molecules meet Hückel rule, if it has as many as π electron-4N +2, where n is an integer.

From the data aromatics hydrogenation of alkenes are more stable than expected, the stability of the "extra" is caused by a cloud of delocalized electrons, called resonance energy. Criteria for simple aromatic compounds:

     Meet Hückel rule, have much 4N π electron cloud +2 in the delocalized p-orbital.
     Shaped planar and cyclic.
     Each atom in the ring must be able to participate in the delocalization of electrons by having a p-orbital or lone pair.

4 komentar:

  1. The polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which are carcinogenic there, which means cancerous. This compound can produce tumors in mice within a very short time even though only a few are applied to the skin. I want to ask, whether the content of the chemicals contained in these polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons?

  2. contents of the chemicals contained in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons course hydrocarbon compounds are carbon and hydrogen. which is a cancer causing material when it enters the body, the body will oxidize it so easy in ekskresikan. oxidation product that causes cancer.

  3. oke sella i'ii answer
    whether the content of the chemicals contained in these polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons?

    Enzymatic oxidation converts it into
    Diol-epoxide is then reacted with the cell's DNA, causing mutations that ultimately prevents cells reproduce normally.

    Benzene is highly toxic (toxic) to humans and can cause severe liver damage, but toluene, though not dangerous, is much less toxic. How might these two similar compounds behave differently. To eliminate benzene from the body, must be in the oxidation of aromatic rings, and intermediates of the oxidation of a destructive nature. However, the side chain methyl of toluene can be oxidized to produce benzoic acid, which can be excreted. Intermediates in this process can not cause health problems.

  4. i will answe : Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are carcinogenic particular one, meaning that there are cancerous. These compounds can produce tumors in mice within a very short time even though only a few are applied to the skin. This is not only carcinogenic hydrocarbons present in coal tar, but also the soot and tobacco smoke and can form in the meat baker. Biological effects have been known for a long time, ie since 1775, when the soot is defined as a cause of cancer of the penis chimney cleaning. Incidence of lip cancer and heart disease are also found in the smoker.
