Senin, 28 November 2011

UTS basic chemistry

1.pure substance X is solid at room temperature. if the substance is heated to 230 C is melted gradually. if then cooled to room temperature , the liquid can not be frozen.
a). is it possible X of an element or compound.
b). does it a chemical change occured? if so can it be said to undergo an endotherm changing, based on the information provided?
c). can it be said that the liquid is an element , based on the information provided.

2. when a candle that weighs 10 g is burned in oxygen, carbon dioxide and water vapor formed by combustion the weigh more than 10 g. was this case match with the law of conservation of mass. explain it!

3. when carbon burns in oxygen under limited will form two gaseous compounds. suggest theway to differentiate the two compounds with one another.

4. after Mendeev compiled the periodic table, he concluded that the atomic weighs of certain elements was wrong ruling, and this conclusion was apparently correct. how Mendeev was able to predict that several atomic weighs were wrong? why his prediction are not always right.

5. when an aqueous solution of merkuri chloride is added to an aqueous solution of silver nitrate, a white solid forms. identify the white solid and write the balanced equation fro the reaction that occurs.


1.a) X is a compound.
Since, X is first compressed, and heated to melt slowly.And unbiased frozen.If you want to freeze, needs a lower temperature.Compound is a compound consisting of two or more elements combine chemically with certain comparisons wthin each molecule.b). chemical changes that occur may be called endothermic reactions. Endothermic reaction is a reaction that is accompanied by heat transfer from the environment to the system (heat absorbed by the system from the environment); characterized by decreased ambient temperature around the system. Substance X is initially solid when heated at a temperature of 230 ℃ to melt in hot environments due to move to the substance, so that the substance to be melted and the temperature of the substance to be higher thanthe temperature of their environment
c). there are elements in the fluid. For example mercury. However, based on information given me to say that it opens the page elements.
2. Law of conservation of mass says that the mass before and after the reaction is the same. The mass of wax in the fuel will be equal to the mass of wax before the fire. Melted candle wax remains, which change shape only. Candles will burn the gas and the amount of energy (heat and light). If the result of burning accommodated and weighed, its mass would equal the mass plus the mass of oxygen candles used in burning it.
3. Based on the material. If the carbon in the fuel with oxygen gas to produce a second compound, probably the first of CO2 gases and gases that produce one more possibility of H2O, how to distinguish, as a result of combustion in the form of a compound which is then how to differentiate based on the chemical properties of each elements and compounds.
4. In 1869, Russian chemist Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleyev nationality arrange 65 elements known at That time. Mendeleev sort the elements of Increasing atomic mass and chemical propertiesAt the same time, Julius Lothar Meyer made arrangement of elements Such as the dikernukakan by Mendeleyev. Only, Lothar Meyer arrange these elements based on Their physical properties. Although there are differences, but Both Produce the same grouping of elements.Mendeleyev Provide an empty box to place the elements That time it has not been found, Such as elements with mass numbers 44, 68, 72, and 100. Had Mendeleev predicted the properties of elements and it is a prophecy after the elements were the resource persons found. Arrangement of the elements of Mendeleev perfected under the law and Called Mendeleev periodic system.Mendeleev periodic system consisting of groups (elements located in a single column) and period (the Elements the which lie on one line)

5. HgCl2 + 2AgNO3 => Hg (NO3) 2 + 2AgClAgCl precipitate formed on the gray-white.

Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011

chemical reactions

Chemical Reactions
Let's start with the idea of a reaction. In chemistry, a reaction happens when two or more molecules interact and something happens. That's it. What molecules are they? How do they interact? What happens? Those are all the possibilities in reactions. The possibilities are infinite. There are a few key points you should know about chemical reactions.

Reaction of Hydrogen and Oxygen
Key Points
1. A chemical change must occur. You start with one compound and turn it into another. That's an example of a chemical change. A steel garbage can rusting is a chemical reaction. That rusting happens because the iron (Fe) in the metal combines with oxygen (O2) in the atmosphere. When a refrigerator or air conditioner cools the air, there is no reaction. That change in temperature is a physical change. Nevertheless, a chemical reaction can happen inside of the air conditioner.

2. A reaction could include ions, molecules, or pure atoms. We said molecules in the previous paragraph, but a reaction can happen with anything, just as long as a chemical change occurs (not a physical one). If you put pure hydrogen gas (H2) and pure oxygen gas in a room, they can be involved in a reaction. The slow rate of reaction will have the atoms bonding to form water very slowly. If you were to add a spark, those gases would create a reaction that would result in a huge explosion. Chemists would call that spark a catalyst.

Series of Chemical Reactions 3. Single reactions often happen as part of a larger series of reactions. Take something as simple as moving your arm. The contraction of that muscle requires sugars for energy. Those sugars need to be metabolized. You'll find that proteins need to move in a certain way to make the muscle contract. A whole series (hundreds actually) of different reactions are needed to make that simple movement happen

Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2011

In the giant room Atom

Air, water, mountains, animals, plants, your body, the chair that you sit on, in short everything you see, touch and feel, from the heaviest to the lightest composed of atoms. Every page you read miyaran composed of atoms. Atom is very small particles that can not be viewed using the most powerful microscope though. The diameter of an atom is only about a trillionth one millionth of a millimeter.
It is not possible for a person to see objects as small as this. Below is presented an example to understand the dimensions of the atom:
Suppose that you hold a key in hand. Certainly, it is impossible for you to see the atoms in the key. If you insist to see the atoms making up the key, then you have to enlarge the key to the size of the earth. If you have successfully done this enlargement, the atoms that make up the key will be visible size of a cherry.
Below is one more example that we can better understand how small atoms and how atoms meet all places and spaces that exist.
Suppose we want to count all the atoms in a grain of salt and suppose we are able to compute one billion atoms per second. Despite our highly skilled in math, we will need more than five hundred years to calculate the total number of atoms that make up a very small grain of salt this. ... This new Subhanallaah grain of salt, what about the number of atoms that make up the universe and everything?
Despite its size is very small, there is an arrangement that is perfect, flawless, unique and complex in its sophistication atom which can be compared with the system we see in the universe.
Each atom is composed of a core and a number of electrons which move to follow the orbital skin at a great distance from the nucleus. At the core there are other particles called protons and neutrons.
Hidden Power of the Core
The nucleus lies at the very center of the atom and is composed of protons and neutrons with the amount in accordance with the properties of these atoms. The radius of the nucleus is about one tenth of thousands of atomic radius. To write it in numbers, the radius of an atom is 10-8 (0.00000001) cm, the radius of the core is 10-12 (0.000000000001) cm. Thus, the volume of the nucleus is equivalent to one tenth the volume of billions of atoms.
Because we can not visualize objects as small as this, let us take permisalan cherry on top. The atoms will look at the cherry when you hold the key to be enlarged until it reaches the size of the earth. However, this magnification still have not allowed us to see the atomic nuclei that are too small to be seen. If we really want to see it then we must increase the magnification once again. Cherry fruit that represents the size of atoms should be enlarged to become a giant ball with a diameter of two hundred meters. Even with this magnification, the nuclei are typically no more than a tiny speck of dust.
When we compare the size of the nucleus diameter 10-13 cm and the diameter of the atom itself, which is 10-8 cm, so that we get is as follows: if we assume that atoms are spherical, then to charge the ball up to the full, we will requires 1015 (1,000,000,000,000,000) nuclei!
There's more surprising: despite its size is only one tenth the size of the atomic billion, the core has a weight of 99.95% of the total weight of the atom. In other words, almost all the weight concentrated in the nuclei of atoms. Suppose you have a house with an area of ​​10 million m2 and you have to put all the furniture in the bedroom area of ​​1 m2 in the house. Can you do this? Surely you are not able to do so. However, this is what happens to the atomic nucleus as a result of a very powerful force that is second to none in nature. This style is called "strong nuclear force (strong core style)", one of the four fundamental forces that exist in the universe that is: 1. strong nuclear force (strong core style), 2. weak nuclear force (weak core style), 3. gravitational force (gravity), and 4. electromagnetic force (electromagnetic force).
Style strong core, which is the most powerful force of nature, binds the atomic nucleus that is stable and prevent it from breaking into pieces. All the protons forming the positively charged nucleus and, therefore, they repel each other due to their electromagnetic force similar. However, the style that has a strong core strength 100 times greater than the repulsive force of protons makes the electromagnetic force is not effective. This is what can make the proton-bound protons in the nucleus and join in the atomic nucleus.
In short, there are two styles of interacting in an atom is very small. The nucleus can be constantly in a state bound and stable due to the forces that have an accurate value of this.
When we consider a very small size of atoms and then the total number of atoms in the universe, it is not fitting for us not able to understand the balance and design in the extraordinary nature of this God's creation. It is clear that the fundamental forces in nature have been created specifically with the knowledge of God, wisdom and power of almighty.
My Lord encompasses all things in knowledge. So if you can not take lessons. QS. Al-An'am, 6:80)
Empty space on Atom
As mentioned earlier, the biggest part of an atom consists of empty space. We may wonder to myself: "Why there should be this empty space?" Let us reflect for a moment. Put simply, an atom consists of a nucleus surrounded by electrons. Between nucleus and electron orbits are not found any small particles or objects. Microscopic distance (which it did not found any particles) proved to be extremely large if viewed from the atomic scale. We can compare this scale is as follows: if one marble out of 1 cm in diameter represents the electron closest to the nucleus, the nucleus is located at a distance of 1 km of these marbles. Below is an excerpt that gives a clearer picture to us about the dimensions of space on the atom:

There is a big empty space [that fills the space] between the basic particles [constituent atoms]. If I suppose that protons from the nuclei of oxygen atoms as the head of a pin that was lying on the table in front of me, then the electron spins around it will create a circular orbit passing through Holland, Germany and Spain (The writer is living in France). Therefore, if all the atoms that make up my body closer together with each other, until all atoms are in contact, then you will not be able to see me again. You really will never be able to see me with the naked eye. [Body] I would [be] small as the dust particle size of a several thousand millimeters.

(Jean Guitton, Dieu et La Science: Vers Le Métaréalisme, Paris: Grasset, 1991, p.. 62)
To this end, we have to understand that there are similarities between the empty space on most small systems like atoms with empty space in most large systems like the universe. When we direct our eyes on the stars, will we see a vacuum as it exists on the atoms. There is a vacuum within billions of kilometers between the various stars and between galaxies. However, in both types of this vacuum, there is a remarkable regularity which are difficult to understand the human mind.